No booze Weevil sorry, Al friges that were un repairable so I use them for cuboards also vermin proof, also if you have a fire there is a pretty good chance gear in side will be protected depending on severity of fire. Daryl
Hmmmmm............sounds reasonable, I thought that my be the case
Hey norm do you know of any other worthy institutions , somewhere for transistors, resisters, capacitators coils oh ok any of them magical little bits. They have to go some time and I would rather see them being used, it would help DeBe as well to know that I havn't just bulldozed his whole collection.
Your local Amateur Radio club should be happy to take them off you hands. Google or tell me where you are and I can get the details for you. Norm
Hey norm do you know of any other worthy institutions , somewhere for transistors, resisters, capacitators coils oh ok any of them magical little bits. They have to go some time and I would rather see them being used, it would help DeBe as well to know that I havn't just bulldozed his whole collection.
No booze Weevil sorry, Al friges that were un repairable so I use them for cuboards also vermin proof, also if you have a fire there is a pretty good chance gear in side will be protected depending on severity of fire. Daryl
Thanks for that Norm still have some 1R5, 1T4 & 3V4 valves new in boxes these were un obtainable back in the 70s. Also have some old but new Germanium PNP hosizontal deflection transistors. Cheers Daryl
VALVE BANK The majority of the valves are used of course, but there is also a number of new unused valves in their original cartons which were purchased by the division some years ago.
If you have any valves that you no longer require, why not swap or donate them to the division's valve bank, where they may be of help to someone else.
W.I.A. valve bank custodian is VK6JAS Clarrie Lester Phone - 08-9450-2843 or Email - the WIA Office
Un fortunately threwout the realy old radio valves last time i shifted, only a few BW TV valves & some 1.5v miniture radio valves. Also some where in the shed roof there is the reciever part of anold Army portable HF tranciever. It originaly was 2 backs straped to a soldier with a whip aerial, one pack was reciever other transmitter. Daryl
-- Edited by DeBe on Wednesday 27th of January 2010 03:12:39 PM
The main problem Ducky is that 30 odd years of acumulated TV & VCR parts are now probably junk & i find it very hard to toss any thing out (point in case 6mths a go tosed out new electric stove hotplate switches, yesterday a person wanted there electric stove fixed, parts required I threw out???) Oh well Life goes on i guess. Daryl
Will always be the case, throw it and you will find a use for it, keep it and it will just gather dust and take up shelf room. Murphy's Law.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
The main problem Ducky is that 30 odd years of acumulated TV & VCR parts are now probably junk & i find it very hard to toss any thing out (point in case 6mths a go tosed out new electric stove hotplate switches, yesterday a person wanted there electric stove fixed, parts required I threw out???) Oh well Life goes on i guess. Daryl Ps be lost without Bear in a boat !!!!
-- Edited by DeBe on Tuesday 26th of January 2010 03:59:21 PM
Electronic componants any amount, overflow from DeBe's workshop, any offers considered TV and VCR workshop manuals, a plethora of interesting bits and pieces, come one come all
-- Edited by ElBe on Saturday 23rd of January 2010 07:43:22 PM